Sunday, November 15, 2015

Winds and Bird nest

While taking the bus home other day, someone said they got a job helping to cut/trim trees and some little birds came down,(thought was so late in the year that most young birds were already flying!!).
Had a big wind other day and found a strange fluffy nest on the ground . Turned it over very gently several times to find opening to see if eggs, never did find the entrance. Tried to look up image bird nests and maybe it was an oriole nest.
See feathers,tendils, string, feels like web

Meant to post this months ago. The little Titmouse birds sound so cute and hungry and worried when they're flying.

Handwoven Top

  Have been searching for looms online that can make or carry with or off-lom weaving. Also had looked up Hopi looms to see how attached to weaving and if makes it a 4 selvedge piece.
Well too much time spent online/sitting so got a timer to time for 2 hours /day and also 10 minute per sitting then get up or do something from chair or do chair exercises.(oops, forgot to press start on timer).
Saw on her handwoven top, which looks so nice and comfy and inspiring. Almost dont like reading some of these as then compare to my like nonaccompliments and ....(Sarah Swett, Sarah Lamb,Rebeca Burgess,...)(will see if can put links in). Kori also sells seeds for indigo (Japanese form), though think its hot enough to grow the legume form.
 Recalled  used to have more than a potholder loom and also took a class to use their (Adult ed.) looms. Wove a very long scarf (before kids) , thinking to create into a top (is in a bin somePlace and 1 child is married now) , wove a top that is kinda short (got sick and cut it off the loom as near end of semester), it is more of a Saori style before heard of Saori. Realized quite a few of my weavings are.

Handwoven Top, front folded over back

Want to weave again , so will find th poholder loom and cut tops off some old rag socks (maybe some still wearing as seem too tight on leg.
This top was fun to weave as had purchased some 20/10 merc cotton and then when passing by the warping mill in class, noticed so many colors of thrums that went together  that were in the trash box. Some long enough to be warps even. Also used a few items of clothing made into strips as were so holey but just couldt get rid of.
Most people who came by said it wouldnt work to use all those colors but in a week after had woven a bit, people said wow is so nice.  Was glad my nervousness about starting it ,hearing negative advice and trying to do It right, kept listening to self. Have to combine colors and also show people that there is a use/life to things we throw away.

Croptop with warp next to it   
  Was actually afraid at first to cut into the fabric. Finally , maybe would make a T cut on next top.
Now , what to do with the warp, maybe use on knitting machine .
  For now will try using some of my handspun and collected fibers and yarns, so off to plan this time.

Another blue

So small not sure if you can find it. Will try to enlarge in picasa or .... oh well, still learning this blogging how to.
Found another so added that .This is so tiny