Want to use my Knitting machine a brother KX-350, but it's making rough (louder than usual) sounds and noticed marks or rouge small gouge areas on a few bed between some needles. Also see a few rough spots under carriage on the flippers. In case anyone knows what causes or if sanding it smooth would get it back to working let me know. So many amazing people who share information and how to on their blogs and YOUTUBE ( YT). Am trying to get my pics on YT as dont have a videoer, but could use sons smart phone for that. Really want to make socks as feet/toes Sooo cold, and a top. and another hat. maybe long bottoms.
Most of needles arnt floppy (move when tilt bed) , though the part where upper bed shows rough bits, those needles are. Was going to replace the sponge. Myabe try air tubing that answerlady did on one of her YT.
There is some round area on center part |
The area with rough bits on top of knitting machine bed
The edge of flipper and a groove acroos it by thumb going to the right. |
Noticed this time the tiny bit off corner. Wonder how much would effect the knitting. Thanks for any ideas to help this knitting machine work well again. Made a vest last on it with many types of yarn but stopped near end when was concerned about machine.
Have tried to smooth parts that seemed nicked with fine files or a dremel like tool (a little too fast). Replaced with weather strip and see now the needles sometimes lift at the hook end and is worse than before! So naother kind of foam or did I put the needles in incorrectly? will check back on youtube vids. So many helpful people there!!