Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Saving the Native Milkweeds am trying a poster of the plant, Monarch, caterpilar,..... so far my son made a poster for me.

Here a is poster son made for me that could post on a marker of the local Milkweed so the weedwacker people will consider avoiding it. Was told they are required by the fire department to clear 100 ft from homes. WOnder if other ways as saw in a few videos are reducing desertification. Some were using grazing animals like cows. Does it work same with goats, sheep, wild animals. Some places people used to do a burn at ok times of the year (when little creatures had grown enuf t run away and whn more moisture in area to reduce a runaway fire. How do we do that in our yards? Maybe weedwacking or borrow sheep or flatten weedy grasses or trim plants.... We have Narrowleaf ,
Milkweed nearby
Found these nice websites that explain, besides plants for the catarpilars of Monarch to feed on , The Monarchs need nectar to feed on for the long trip and Buckwheat , which in California are many, can help to survive ! https://buckwheatbringsbutterflies.com https://www.chefs-garden.com/blog/september-2018/buckwheat-flowers-are-a-pit-stop-for-monarchs-wil https://aproposfootwear.com/pages/buckwheat-and-the-butterfly
Was surprised couldnt find a poster for "dont cut the Milkweed" online somewhere !

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Colors on fabrics, INSPIRATIONS - Graham Keegan

Checked into Graham Keegans website - https://www.grahamkeegan.com/cosmos new page has so much information on his use of growing and using orange Cosmos flowers for printing onto fabric. He was able to get several colors depending which mordant used.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Native plant in the garden

While seeing how the plants were doing that planted 2 yrs ago in front yard, noticed some just wernt coming back. Was sad to see the Celest Blue Sage had no leaves and dry stems, but had seen that happen with another sage and trimmed back and a month later it started sprouting leaves on stems had thought were dead. Someone in our town who grows natives to replace in natural habitat, was kind enough to offer ideas if I posted photos of yard. Have a few bare areas, as also a Wooly Blue curls didnt make it, and a Verbena. Am learning the Verbeneas need to be trimmed back of dead wood. Also helped to have a few rains. Though before tried watering and it seem to have killed 1. Was hoping to have room for a Toyon, though it might overshade a few plants that dont need much shade. East side of driveway in mostly sand, so can water more in summer and west side is mostly clay, then a slope, that has a white sage that dies back after water or lots of rain. Last November Wondering how much to trim
This month after several rains Trying to see if room for other plants and if retransplant newly planted and or put the small lavender volunteers to backyard. Have been giving many lavender plants away as the seeds keep sprouting in yard. Also the bright yellow-green scented Geranium can put in backyard or near faucet to see if keeps rodents away (hopefulness)
This shows a bare area with a Sage and Sagebrush to left and volunteer lavenders, still deciding what to put in here.
Most west side of slope has a small Chaparel Broom where green stick is a poor looking white sage to upper rt and near top of slope a few Rosemary plants. Many small Bush Lupin seedlings are coming up. If retransplant Chaparal Broom than put larger plant there or....
LUPINE that we picked of moth catarpillars daily but eventually didnt make it.
Am trying to figure how to rotate a photo, used to be easier !

Thursday, January 6, 2022

What we (choose to ) wear

What we choose (when we have choices ) to wear, eat use, can effect , our children, friends, family, people on other side of the world, the ground water, our life. Found a somewhat local business making colors and items to wear/use. https://feralbotanics.com/about