Saw a Monarch butterfly flying across the view of my window and hopped up to see where he/she went, but seemed to disappear. Dont have a new photo of a Monarch. Also saw a blue or maybe it was a hairstreak, it landed on a dried mustard stem and stayed till I walked closer to see. Tried with reading glasses and without, just couldnt tell what it was, except that it seemed to be in rest mode and was sunning itself. Next time may just watch while it suns.
What if we all (or most) had some native milkweed plants or community space where the Monarchs could go. Found a whole bag of milkweed silk and seed the other day while sorting through mothers "stuff" to find what my brothers and I want to keep or pass on. Mom had collected it when on a hike. She liked to walk and go bicycling and camping, so when I see this wrinkled paper bag of seeds and floss think of being loved and listened to. Had wondered if the silk could be spun into yarn.
Milkweed silk and seeds in a paper bag. |
There was a large patch of milkweed in a field near my school when a child. Would show the kids how the insects really liked this plant. It had bees,wasps, some being a couple inches and blue with red wings, called tarantula hawks. And butterflies.
Sometimes we need to move more, look up more, get up and notice whats right here.
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