Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Favorite Wildflower + (and color) - Shooting Star



First time saw Shooting Stars in a field across a hillside, was speechless with how beautiful they were. The fragrance was wonderful and uplifting.  

This is my desktop, for a few years, just finally noticed, a beetle where thought just pollen heads -the dark purple.                 

They are so many shades of pink to orchid to almost white.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Monarch butterflies and using native instead of non native milkweed.

Monarch butterflies (along with Swallowtail, sulfurs, whites....) vist our yard. We dont have any milkweed plants and just read here
That is better not to grow non native milkweeds for the Monarch butterfly. Also had a page with videos and 1 on growing mildweed. Harvest when seeds are brownish (press slightly on crack in pod) but dont collect a pod that is open and had Milkweed bugs on it as they also feed on the seeds and might collect non viable seeds. They used onion bags as they are breathable. The fun part is seperating from the fluff, which can stuff pillows with. Might try spinning with it but heard need the young fibers for that to work. It is very silky shiny.