Sunday, July 20, 2014

Magic in the Air - Dancing Butterlies

Believe these Butterflies we saw in a parking lot are Western Swallowtails. Was so surreal and magical watching them fly, able to fly slowly moving their wings.  Found this website on southern California butterflies with information, so many beautiful photos!. -   
Want to get a better camera, this one is pretty good from the drug store, to bring with. 

There is so much to see, when not in a rush, all around us. 

Saw these surreal Swallowtail butterflies while in a parking lot.

Swallowtail butterflies on median in parking lot on Saturday!
Trying to figure how to put an edging to photos on this blog.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Little praying mantis

Was sitting on the patio to take a break (from sitting in the house doing computer work), noticed
a butterfly that visits often and stays for hours. A Mourning(morning) Cloak. Noticed some sweet peas flowering (no scent, are perennial ), was going to pick a few flowers to freeze and try to use for fabric dye later (read about that in a book on online). As walking into house noticed a little guy sitting on wrist, praying mantis. Got my son to help me look for anymore as didnt want to freeze them.

Has such character . Kept looking at the camera then at us.
Took a photo and son released it back to pea plant.
So small!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Horned caterpillars and moths

Found Giant caterpillars while in front yard. 2, were on the California Fushia (Zauchneria).
THink they are from the moths seen a month or so ago. If I found the right name for them, seem to be world wide according to the website link I put below.
Hopefully wont be gross to look at. Very bright and colorful, not blend in at all!
Hyles lineata – White-lined Sphinx Moth

Why they can be  in the hot sun (90's)?