Monday, June 23, 2014

Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly

Was walking and found some tiny,tiny butterflies. They were on Russian thistle,  Atriplex and Buckwheat.
They flew in such a skitery manner, so dont usually light on a plant. See groups sometimes. More active early, not so much midday.
Western Pygmy Blue Butterfly

Thursday, June 19, 2014

  While walking to the bus stop after getting food, noticed 
"dates" under a palm tree. They look JUST like dates can 
get at the grocery store!! 
Last year in this same valley found a
Palm tree growing dates. They taste quite good, scraped off skin
and cut a peice of the inside just to taste. Since next to a signal light
and quite busy road, wasnt going to eat the enviromental waste that
collected on/in it. It looked like a phoenix date palm. 
Simi Valley can grow some dates!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Went for a walk last week and noticed a Sycamore that always looked so nice and cheered me up, was not looking so good. Wondr if people could help heal and cure it. Is it just low water or did something else happen. The county has sprayed nearby to clear "weds" from edge of roadway. Which doesnt make sense to me as there is then all this dead dry flammable stuff, and poison for us to walk thru and runoff to streets and gutters to arroyas and eventually ocean. The county then gets fined by the US for having bad stuff put into ocean. I stopped by the Sycamore tree, is actually a small grouping of trees, and tried to imagine energy from me to the ground earth and to the sky and share with the tree. Wonder how old they are.

Sycamore Trees Moorpark